Stich Consulting & Design Inc.

703 13th. Ave, V0A1K4 British Columbia, Canada

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We design, we plan, we calculate and we supply

Stich Consulting & Design specializes in Passive Houses made of CLT/ Mass timber, wood fibre board insulation and PH certified windows and doors from Optiwin.
We design, we plan, we calculate and we supply your passive house projects all across Canada. Stich Consulting & Design is a one stop shop for Passive Houses.

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Passive House Showhome

This project was planned and used a Passive House Showhome in Calgary. Optiwin Purist and CLT/ mass timber with wood fibre board insulation

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Trinity Point Passive House

Small Passive House in the Rocky Mountains with Purista Windows and RAICO curtain wall

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Stich Passive House Plus

Prefabricated (CLT & Wood Fibre Board Insulation) certified Passive House Plus in the Canadian Rockies. Optiwin Purista with motorized exterior sun protection (Warema).

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Daley House

Off Grid Passive House in the praries of Alberta. Home owner built using Optiwin Resista, CLT and wood fibre board insulation.

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